FAQ's & Info

Travel Insurance
Life is unpredictable. Some trips need to be cancelled. With travel insurance, you don’t necessarily have to pay for a trip you are unable to take.
Airlines mishandled over 21 million bags in a year. Travel insurance can provide coverage to replace needed items if your bags are delayed, damaged or stolen.
Nothing can ruin a vacation like getting sick. Travel insurance can provide you with peace of mind – especially when traveling outside of the United States, where many and most hospitals request cash payments in the thousands before treatment can even begin.
Credit card coverage may not provide sufficient coverage for your travel needs. The free coverage that may or may not be included with your credit card will never be as extensive as a separate travel insurance plan.
Emergency medical transportation, medical evacuation or repatriation coverage available. Medical monitoring, Doctor, hospital and clinic referrals.
Health insurance may not go the distance. Many U.S. health insurance policies (including Medicare and Medicaid) don’t cover international travel. And, those that do will likely not cover the cost of medical evacuation back to the U.S. which can cost more than $50,000.
Even the most stable of travel suppliers can default quickly. If a cruise company, airline or tour operator ceases operations due to financial hardship or bankruptcy, travel insurance can save you from paying for a trip you’ll never get to take.
We all experience tough economic times. The loss of a job or other income might mean a trip planned in advance my have to wait. Travel insurance can put cash back into your pocket when you need it the most.
It’s not the airline’s responsibility to cover the expenses you accrue when your flight is delayed or you miss a connection. Travel insurance can reimburse you for costs associated with these, including rebooking fees, meals and accommodations.
Travel insurance can provide assistance to help you locate a pharmacy to purchase a new prescription.
Travel insurance policies can include travel assistance services. These may include; Concierge services, Medical assistance and monitoring, Doctor or hospital referrals, Dispatch of a doctor or specialist, assisting your travel companion while hospitalized, Personal Assistance, Travel Assistance, Security Assistance, 24/7 emergency assistance.
Travel medical Insurance
Emergencies happen when you least expect it. Coverage for medical expenses, baggage loss and delay, trip cancellation, trip delay and trip interruption.
Protect your Investment
Coverage for Trip Cancellation. Travel insurance can protect your investment including trip interruption and cancellation depending on your needs and the plan you purchase.
24/7 Worldwide assistance
24/7 Worldwide customer service with a personal touch. A USA toll free number to ensure the highest quality.
Obtain a Visa or Passport
Expedite your VISA and passport. Click here to find up to date information and assistance for processing your VISA application, update, renew or obtain a new PASSPORT.
Travel warnings issued to American citizens traveling outside of the USA are listed by the US State Department. For information about country conditions, refer to the State Department website.
TRAVEL ADVISORIESPassport information
Read the passport and Visa requirements for US citizens traveling outside of the USA. US citizens must be in possession of a valid Passport for at least six months beyond their return.
PASSPORT & VISAEnroll in step
The Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) is a free service to allow U.S. citizens and nationals traveling to enroll their trip with the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate.
ENROLL IN STEPcdc world health
Staying healthy during your travels is a priority. Stay up to date on vaccines, medications and advise. Read the CDC world health website for the country you are visiting.
Enroll in TSA Pre-Check. Keep moving. Speed through security. TSA Pre-check saves you time and stress. Over 9 million members. More than 200 airports and 79 airlines.
Total travel convenience. Secure, reliable worldwide luggage and sports equipment shipping. Guaranteed to arrive on time. Ship bicycles, skis, golf clubs and more to arrive at your destination.
Rent mobility wheelchairs, scooters, oxygen and walking aids for travel and cruising. Delivered right to your cruise cabin. We can make handicap travel easier and a reality.
RENT WHEELCHAIRR/X regulations abroad
Travelers requiring medication abroad check the National Narcotics Control Board. Or inquire at the country Embassy or Consulate for your medication laws.